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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Superset Excercises For Stubborn Fat

Exercises to remove stubborn thigh fat, stubborn belly fat

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Hollywood Diet Scam

Hollywood Diet

The Hollywood 48 hour miracle diet claims that you will lose 10 pounds in 48 hours. This is a ‘fad’ diet and is not a sustainable weight loss technique. It is essentially a juice fast. However juice fasts and tonics can be very beneficial to your overall health.

An essential part of the diet is the Hollywood diet miracle juice – a scientifically formulated blend of vitamins, fruits, minerals, antioxidants and essential oils, The purpose of the Hollywood Miracle formulation is to detoxify and cleanse your system, and to assist in restoration of biochemical and mineral balance.

Like most rapid weight loss – it can be a loss of water and toxins rather than fat. If you are looking for a quick and easy answer to weight loss – then this is not it – BUT if you are looking for a good tonic, detoxifying and cleansing routine then the Hollywood Diet Miracle Juice may be helpful. Any weight loss is more of a side-effect.

For a more trustworthy way to lose weight in a short time try The Fat loss 4 Idiots Program

Exercise To Lose Fat On Your Inner Thighs

Friday, September 25, 2009

How to Lose Thigh Fat successfully – The Best Remedy for Saddlebags

The most asked question in weight loss forums and message boards is based on how to lose thigh fat successfully. Lots of women are searching for a remedy for the dreaded saddle bags sitting on their hips, thighs and buts.

For women, weight gain is a result of hormonal changes as they mature. Women are particularly punished with excess fat even though their eating indiscretions are not as bad as their male counterparts. I am not going to try and explain the science behind it, just to say that it is far easier for women to gain weight than men.

Of course genetics can also play a role. If grandma had a problem with saddlebags, then mama also likely has the same problem and her daughter will have it too someday. However it doesn’t mean that the problem saddlebags cannot be brought under control.

For the vast majority of women the problem lies in the fact that the thighs, hips and butt are the first places that fat will be stored, when there is an excess of fat available. Gradually other areas of the body will also become fat, but generally the butt, hips and thighs will pick up first. Upon following a weight loss and exercise program many women find that the fat in these areas tends to be very difficult to get rid of and is often these pockets of stubborn fat that derail their entire weight loss efforts. These areas are the last to lose fat.

So what is the answer to how to lose thigh fat successfully? The answer is not to give up. You see if you understand that the fat around the hips, butt, and thighs is the last to burn up, then the best remedy for saddlebags is to persevere. Stick to a combination of a good diet and exercise program and you will see amazing results.

As Featured On EzineArticles

The Key To Successful Weight Loss And How To Prevent Failure.

Everyone is looking for the key to successful weight loss. Many people are just not able to fathom why they can be so unsuccessful with their diets. For the majority of us it is just too complicated to work it all out. This is all despite us trying to do our best to make dieting a success.

At best we all have lost weight on some fad diet or another. I think the correct term is yoyo diets. Anyway, all that most diets recommend is a restriction to the food that we eat for a period of time and then we are allowed to resume our normal habits once again. What a recipe for disaster.

Many years ago diets were prescribed for us and we saw the rise of the cabbage diet, the pumpkin diet and many strange manner of diets. Recently diets have popped up that have suggested removing entire food groups altogether. The Atkins diet being one of them. Atkins suggests that we should only eat protein, especially meat and remove all forms of carbohydrates from our daily food intake.

I watched an experiment on TV that reviewed all the latest fads, Atkins being one of them. Although the human guinea pigs lost weight, there seemed to be some significant and unpleasant side effects. Their bodies went into withdrawal from a lack of carbohydrates and they tended to display similar aggressive behavior as smokers exhibit when trying to quit nicotine. The most dramatic side effect in my opinion was that they developed extremely bad breath. They could not do anything to mask it at all. Can you imagine that? A thinner body and a foul smelling mouth!

It seems then that the key to successful weight loss is not to follow diet fads. The best solution is to follow a healthy eating plan combined with exercise. The best way to prevent failure is not to exclude whole food groups but rather to eat small balanced and nutritious meals throughout the day. Contrary to popular belief and past experiences included, it is actually possible to achieve perfect weight loss and still eat most of the foods that you love.

As Featured On EzineArticles

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

7 Tips for Losing Thigh Fat Fast

A lot of people try to target their thigh fat as a specific problem area. What most people do not realize is that it is practically impossible to target specific areas like losing thigh fat in particular. Now you may not want to hear this information, but it is true. Ask any accredited fitness trainer or weight loss expert and they will tell you the same. Working out your thighs will only result in a good workout for your thigh muscles and do nothing for the fat on your thighs.

Losing weight or rather losing fat is much like trying to empty a swimming pool. When you first fill up the swimming pool all the water rushes to the lowest point, the deep end fills up first. For men the deep end is the around the stomach and lower back. For women it’s around the hips and thighs and butt. Eventually it gets to their stomach too. In order to empty the swimming pool you have to pump the water out. However even if you try to empty the deep end first, the level of the water only drops from the top section of the pool evenly.

Targeting certain areas like losing thigh fat, stomach fat or back fat, will have no visible results because much like emptying the swimming pool your body will regulate where the fat will be lost first in your body. You will have to accept the fact that your body will only react to its own metabolic rate. So therefore you will have to be patient and not give up on your weight loss goals.

The only proven way to lose weight and specifically fat is to reduce your calorie intake, or create a calorie deficit. You can achieve this in 2 ways.

  1. Calculate the amount of calories needed to sustain your current weight. The easy way to do this is to take your current weight in pounds and multiply it by 10. So if you weigh 175 pounds then you need 1750 calories to maintain your weight at that level. To lose weight you must therefore reduce the amount of calories you eat. That obviously means you must adjust your diet and keep a strict eye on the foods you eat and also be able to calculate the caloric value of the foods you eat.
  2. Create a calorie deficit by participating in an exercise program that helps you to burn the excess calories faster than by using a diet alone.

Here are the 7 tips you can start using right away to start you on your way to burning more calories and enabling you to get to your problem areas more quickly.

  1. Cut out all forms of empty calories, like sugar, sodas, candy, chocolate bars, energy bars, chips and other snacks. Look for natural alternatives as snacks
  2. Start exercising. Include cardio exercises like jogging, cycling, swimming and also weight bearing exercises as well. Aim for an overall body work out rather than using a specific type of workout like treadmills or spinning only.
  3. Do not focus on specific areas of your body. Targeting certain sections like thighs, stomach or butt will not yield good results. Rather have an overall workout, which will allow a more balanced fat reduction and toning of your body. Remember isolating certain areas may cause you to overdevelop certain muscles groups and create an imbalance in your body structure.
  4. Avoid yoyo diets. Look for a balanced eating plan. You can spot a yoyo diet easily. If you can see that you will not be able to sustain it after the program is complete then it is not worth following.
  5. Avoid processed foods. Refined foods like white rice, white flour, white sugar have had the majority of nutrients eliminated from them, resulting in them being reduced to simple sugars after digestion which are high in calories but low in nutritional value. Therefore these foods have a higher likelihood of converting directly to fat.
  6. Limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol is naturally high in calories.
  7. Grill, bake or steam your food. Fried food will contain more fats and calories and is not recommended.
Visit www.stripthatfat.com for your solution to stubborn fat loss.

As Featured On EzineArticles

Friday, September 18, 2009

How to Get Rid of Fat Thighs (In Just 5 Minutes a Day!)

How to Get Rid of Fat Thighs (In Just 5 Minutes a Day!) Here's how to get rid of fat thighs in you're in a HURRY. Look, losing those flab around your thighs is not difficult, if you follow what I'm going to share in this article. If you desperately want to slim your thighs fast, then read this in the next minute or two.

How To Strip That Fat From Your Thighs And The Rest Of Your Body

1.Do some incline walking This is one of the best ways to lose thigh fat. But you don't walk on a normal flat surface like you do everyday. That just won't cut it. You need to walk at an incline, like walking up a hill at the back of your home. If there are no nearby hills, try it on a treadmill. Best results are achieved on a 15 degree incline. If you walk for 15 to 20 minutes a day 4 times a week, you'll BURN fat in your thighs fast and furious. So get moving and burn that flab! If you're serious about thinning your thighs...the next tip will TURBO-CHARGE your fat burn.
2.Hindu squats I never quite get around why they call it 'Hindu' squat. Basically this is just bodyweight squats...using nothing but your own bodyweight to burn fat. This can be a TOUGH exercise, especially for starters. BUT do this for just 5 minutes a day and your body's fat burning mechanism will go into hyper drive! Many of my readers bear testimony to this. Here's how you do it. Squat up and down real FAST...and I mean something like 20 reps per minute. Do this for 5 minutes each day, aiming for 100 reps. You should see results in 2 weeks. You'll break out in sweat (for sure!) and you'll be panting. BUT the Hindu squat is just about the simplest and most convenient exercise you can do to burn fat in your thighs...QUICKLY! And it's all for just 5 minutes a day. If you're still wondering how to get rid of fat thighs, these 2 tips are sure to get you thighs to die for. Try them!

Remember...if you're SICK and TIRED of endless weight loss regimes that yield little or no results...it's NOT your fault! Knowledge is POWER, and the most important step towards a firm, [http://www.amydietblog.com/]fit & beautiful body is information, EDUCATION and empowerment! Want to REALLY shed those unflattering pounds FOR GOOD, regain your beautiful self, and re-take CONTROL of your life once again?

http://www.AmyDietBlog.com to see how I lost a FULL 20 pounds in 28 days flat...and join over one MILLION men and women who have lost weight on this PROVEN accelerated fat loss diet! Amy Daniels

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_Daniels [http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Get-Rid-of-Fat-Thighs-(In-Just-5-Minutes-a-Day!)&id=1952490 ]http://EzineArticles.com/?How-to-Get-Rid-of-Fat-Thighs-(In-Just-5-Minutes-a-Day!)&id=1952490

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